👋 Hey, I’m Kumar and welcome to my weekly newsletter. Each week I share Sketchnote(s) on product, leadership, personal growth, and anything that helps you get started on Sketchnoting.
Resources for Sketchnotes
Some of the frequently asked questions by anybody new to Sketchnotes is how do we get started? What tools to use? Where to learn about it?
So I have collated some pointers that will help you get started, inpsired by some notable sketchnoters and books to learn.
The site has information on
Tools for Sketchnotes
Notable Sketchnoters
Books to Learn Sketchnotes
Videos to learn Sketchnotes
And it’s still work in progress.
Somebody said progress is better than perfection. So I just got it published and sharing with all of you. Let me know what else would you like to see in there.
It’s super concise post today.
Have a wonderful week ahead Sketchnoting.